• Curriculum English 2 (Self-study material for non-major students) - Hanoi Financial and Banking University

    Curriculum English 2 (Self-study material for non-major students) - Hanoi Financial and Banking University

    This material is designed to provide students at Hanoi Financial and Banking University, non-major group with self-study exercises of each unit, which are helpful in the end-of-term exam. The material consists of 6 units based on 6 files: File 7 - File 9 in New English File - Elementary course book) and File 1 - File 3 in New English File - Pre-Intermediate course book).

     16 p fbu 28/02/2024 26 0

  • Curriculum English 1 (Self-study material for non-major students) - Hanoi Financial and Banking University

    Curriculum English 1 (Self-study material for non-major students) - Hanoi Financial and Banking University

    This material is designed to provide students at Hanoi Financial and Banking University, non-major group with self-study exercises of each unit, which are helpful in the end-of-term exam. Hopefully this document will be of great help to students preparing for the final exam.

     41 p fbu 28/02/2024 59 1

  • Curriculum English 3 (Self-study material for non-major students) - Hanoi Financial and Banking University

    Curriculum English 3 (Self-study material for non-major students) - Hanoi Financial and Banking University

    Curriculum English 3 (Self-study material for non-major students) includes exercises to help students grasp knowledge to apply in life and study. Hopefully the curriculum will help you improve your foreign language skills.

     46 p fbu 28/02/2024 34 1

  • Ebook Collins Work on your grammar: Over 200 exercises to improve your English grammar (Pre-Intermediate A2)

    Ebook Collins Work on your grammar: Over 200 exercises to improve your English grammar (Pre-Intermediate A2)

    Ebook "Collins Work on your grammar: Over 200 exercises to improve your English grammar (Pre-Intermediate A2)" is a new practice book that will help you to improve your spoken and written English. Work through the exercises and see the difference good grammar can make to your success in English.

     128 p fbu 27/02/2024 14 0

  • Ebook English for business studies: A course for Business Studies and Economics students - Student's Book (3rd edition)

    Ebook English for business studies: A course for Business Studies and Economics students - Student's Book (3rd edition)

    Ebook "nglish for business studies: A course for Business Studies and Economics students - Student's Book (3rd edition)" reflects recent changes in the world's business and economic environment, featuring new units including Corporate Social Responsibility and Venture Capital. Covering the most important areas of management, production, marketing, finance and macroeconomics, it helps students to understand and talk about key concepts in...

     155 p fbu 27/02/2024 15 0

  • Ebook Scheduling algorithms: Part 1

    Ebook Scheduling algorithms: Part 1

    Part 1 book "Scheduling algorithms" includes content: Classification of scheduling problems, some problems in combinatorial optimization, computational complexity, single machine scheduling problems, parallel machines.

     166 p fbu 27/02/2024 9 0

  • Ebook Scheduling algorithms: Part 2

    Ebook Scheduling algorithms: Part 2

    Part 2 book "Scheduling algorithms" includes content: Shop scheduling problems, due date scheduling, batching problems, changeover times and transportation times, multi purpose machines, multiprocessor tasks.

     213 p fbu 27/02/2024 8 0

  • Ebook Programming languages and techniques: Part 1

    Ebook Programming languages and techniques: Part 1

    Ebook Programming languages and techniques: Part 1 includes contents: Overview and program design, introductory ocaml, tuples and nested patterns, binary trees, binary search trees, generic functions and datatypes,... and other contents.

     166 p fbu 27/02/2024 9 0

  • Ebook Programming languages and techniques: Part 2

    Ebook Programming languages and techniques: Part 2

    Ebook Programming languages and techniques: Part 2 includes contents: Transition to Java, overriding and equality, generics, collections, and iteration, encapsulation and queues, swing - interaction and paint demo, exceptions,...and other contents.

     203 p fbu 27/02/2024 9 0

  • Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 1: ADO.NET (Tiếp theo)

    Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 1: ADO.NET (Tiếp theo)

    Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 1: ADO.NET (Tiếp theo). Chương này cung cấp cho học viên những nội dung về: đối tượng _command; parameter (tham số); _command có tham số; _DataReader; disconnected data (mô hình dữ liệu không kết nối);... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài giảng!

     25 p fbu 27/02/2024 14 0

  • Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 1: ADO.NET

    Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 1: ADO.NET

    Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 1: ADO.NET. Chương này cung cấp cho học viên những nội dung về: giới thiệu ADO.NET; dữ liệu nguồn; data provider; các đối tượng của ADO.NET;... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài giảng!

     28 p fbu 27/02/2024 11 0

  • Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 2: Mô hình 3-Layer

    Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 2: Mô hình 3-Layer

    Bài giảng Lập trình quản lý - Chương 2: Mô hình 3-Layer. Chương này cung cấp cho học viên những nội dung về: mô hình 3-layer; GUI/presentation layer; business logic layer; data access layer; data transfer object (DTO);... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo chi tiết nội dung bài giảng!

     13 p fbu 27/02/2024 10 0

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